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Adobe Digital Editions. Windows , Windows Mobile. The Tarkin Initiative , an Imperial think tank, was responsible for some of the ideas behind both the first and second Death Stars. While rumors within the Imperial ranks speculated that it was a Confederate weapon engineered by Geonosian Archduke Poggle the Lesser's hive colony for Count Dooku, none could prove the story's validity.

Some pointed out, however, that the plans must have fallen into Republic hands before the Clone Wars ended, owing to the station's shell and laser-focusing dish already in the works upon the war's conclusion. By this time, the focusing dish had been successfully installed.

Orson Krennic believed that he was kept off the elite passenger list due to Poggle's recent escape under his supervision. To further his interests, Krennic had been manipulating his longtime friend Galen Erso since the Clone Wars. By bringing him aboard Project Celestial Power , an Imperial research division dedicated to weaponizing Galen's kyber crystal research, Krennic believed he would be given oversight over the Death Star and promoted to rear admiral.

After "discovering" the weapons on the planets, Krennic appropriated them to prevent " Separatist holdouts " from attaining them.

Wilhuff Tarkin believed that Krennic's appropriation of planets without the Emperor's permission was a sign of his overreaching ambition, impulsiveness, and disdain for authority and the chain of command. Tarkin, like Krennic, believed that he should ultimately be made responsible for the Death Star project.

Consequently, Tarkin planned to use Krennic as a convenient scapegoat for every construction delay and issue that was bound to plague the project, well aware that the Emperor was eyeing them both for a promotion. To avoid accepting the privilege prematurely, Tarkin continued to defer to Krennic until the proper time arose to oust him.

Krennic also planned to keep Tarkin occupied. In 18 BBY , Krennic orchestrated an insurgency within the Salient system , aware that Tarkin, unable to retreat, would be caught in a weeks-long battle , lowering his favor with the Emperor. Early attempts at test-firing the Death Star's superlaser led to the destruction of an entire city on Malpaz.

The first successful test firing occurred much later at an isolated black-hole binary known as the Hero Twins. Preliminary scans indicated that the energy released during the test-fire had the destructive fire of the combined batteries of a qaz-class Star Destroyer. The superlaser was fired by a kyber crystal-assisted twin laser array carefully assembled and calibrated on Hypori , and installed on an Imperial -class Star Destroyer appropriated by the Special Weapons Group.

Grand Vizier Mas Amedda wished the test firing to occur closer to the Core, but Krennic urged caution, knowing that a misfire would most likely result in the destruction of the ship. As a result of the successful test firing, Krennic was promoted to full commander.

For over a year, Galen Erso was employed in Project Celestial Power and was given nearly unlimited supplies of kyber crystals looted from Jedi Temples and lightsabers. Almost all research divisions relied on research conducted by Galen Erso, who had an intricate knowledge of crystallography. Galen believed that his research was intended to repair worlds devastated by the Clone Wars by providing inexpensive power to civilian populations. Eventually, Galen, suspicious at the lack of information provided to him by Krennic regarding the implementation of his research, discovered that his work was being weaponized without his knowledge.

The Erso family moved to Lah'mu , hopeful that Krennic, now demoted to lieutenant commander, would not find them. Tarkin was then given oversight of Sentinel Base and the Death Star project. The construction of the first Death Star continued for several years above Geonosis in utmost secrecy, under Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin's supervision. The epicenter of a throng of construction droids, the station was guarded by four Star Destroyers and twice as many frigates and hovered in a fixed orbit above the planet.

The northern hemisphere focus lens frame for the superlaser was nothing more than a metallic crater five years after the station's appropriation by the Empire, and while some of the hyperdrive components had been installed, the station was far from being jump-ready. Such stations were overseen by Sentinel Base, an expansive garrison base initially deployed from a Victory -class Star Destroyer.

Supervision of this clandestine project was entrusted to Vice Admiral Dodd Rancit. However, Wilhuff Tarkin replaced Rancit at some point following the Antar Atrocity , with Palpatine attempting to shield Tarkin from the political fallout exhumed by the operation. As such, Tarkin's three years commanding Sentinel Base and the hundreds of supply and sentry outposts constructed for the station were mired in bureaucratic inefficiency and complexity. Shipments from research sites were frequently postponed, asteroid mining above Geonosis proved unfeasible, failed meetings of construction-phase deadlines by the engineers and scientists supervising the project fueled frustration, and raids against convoys heading for the station spelled an administrative nightmare.

In addition, with the Empire's strategy that no base commander—Moff, admiral or general—should have unrestricted access to all information regarding shipments, scheduling, or construction progress, no single person was in charge of the project unless one counted the Emperor—whose visits were few and far between. Relying on countless suppliers and tens of millions of beings galaxy-wide, the project's immense size and need for secrecy hampered any real efforts at its completion, with the Imperial Security Bureau and Naval Intelligence Agency continually repressing rumors and quashing information leaks.

Furthermore, dissatisfied individuals from the former Republic abandoned the project with such regularity that COMPNOR compiled a most-wanted list of missing scientists and technicians with high-priority security clearances.

Following a sophisticated attack against Sentinel Base by an organized cell of former Republic Intelligence operatives under the command of Berch Teller , Tarkin with the aid of Lord Vader was entrusted with the subsequent manhunt for those involved in the operation. The following investigation ultimately involved the highest echelons of Imperial power, who were worried about the attack's proximity to Geonosis, along with the attacker's ability to introduce a false real-time feed into the local HoloNet relay in an attempt to divert Sentinel's defenses to Rampart Station, which was falsely presumed to be under attack by remnant Confederacy Providence -, Recusant -, and Munificent -class warships.

After a meeting in the Imperial Palace with several members of the Joint Chiefs and the Emperor himself, an engagement on Murkhana originally intended to investigate the former Separatist Shadowfeed operation saw Tarkin's personal starship, the Carrion Spike , hijacked by the dissidents.

Using the stolen vessel to cast devastation across several Mid and Outer Rim worlds—which the dissidents transmitted through the local HoloNet before being shut down by the Empire—the conspirators were ultimately stopped after an attempt to destroy a supply shipment heading for the new Death Star project, with the Star Destroyers Executrix , Compliant , and Enforcer arriving on scene.

The rebels and their secret benefactor, Vice Admiral Rancit, were subsequently tortured and executed in secret by the Imperial Security Bureau ISB upon the discovery of Rancit's involvement in the scheme. In reality, Rancit had hoped to ultimately betray the insurgents above Carida , thus making it appear as if he had stopped their rampage, and thus secure support from the Emperor and receive a possible promotion.

To cover up the military embarrassment caused by Rancit's betrayal, the HoloNet made the attacks appear to be an elaborate attempt to draw out and destroy rebel cells. Thus, while many in the galaxy knew an Imperial construction project was underway over Geonosis, few knew of what it actually entailed.

As a result of Tarkin's efforts, the Emperor decreed his ascension to the newly created title of Grand Moff and greater control over the Outer Systems, along with his oversight of the entirety of the battle station project.

Roughly two weeks later, several of the station's sublight engines had been completed and were tested with Tarkin on board to oversee the operation as the station surpassed the speed of Geonosis's rotation. The Death Star's superlaser is installed. By the time of the station's completion, it would exemplify the height of Imperial power over the known galaxy.

For years during the station's construction, numerous skirmishes with Imperial shipping delayed construction. When a band of Lothal rebels attacked and destroyed an Imperial supply convoy carrying kyber crystals five years before the Battle of Yavin, construction on the station was hampered. Three years before the Battle of Yavin , one of the modules used during construction was used by ISB Agent Kallus to ambush the same group of rebels previously responsible for ambushing the supply convoy of kyber crystals, who this time were on a mission to find out what the Empire was building above the planet.

The Empire's attempt to capture the rebels ultimately failed. One member of Project Stardust, Assistant Director Brierly Ronan , believed that the Death Star's completion would make the rest of the political structure on the Imperial capital of Coruscant entirely irrelevant. However, Lieutenant Eli Vanto , a former commander in the Imperial Navy and current member of the Chiss Ascendancy , felt Palpatine could emerge as the sole important figure, though Ronan refused to believe his superior would be swept away.

Having taken much longer than expected to develop, [42] the massive construction project was finally completed almost twenty years after its conception during the Clone Wars, [17] and at some point was rechristened as the Death Star.

Imperial Navy pilots and military personnel were eventually assigned to the station shortly before it was revealed to the public, being new enough to still be labeled as classified. Using minimal power of the superlaser, the order was carried out and Jedha City, along with miles of surrounding terrain were destroyed, including the hideout of Saw Gerrera's extremist group. However, Jyn Erso saw a message from her father, the scientist Galen Erso, that the Death Star had a fatal flaw which he installed.

Erso and her companions delivered the news of the weakness in the Death Star to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Unable to reach a consensus on how to respond to the new threat, the squad team, Rogue One , infiltrated Scarif to steal the plans , which were transferred before the Death Star was used to destroy the Imperial base. However, before she could do so, the blockade runner she was aboard was intercepted by Imperial forces commanded by Darth Vader, and she was captured , but not before she passed the plans to the astromech droid R2-D2 and sent him with the protocol droid C-3PO in an escape pod to the planet below.

As a high-value prisoner, Organa was moved to Cell of Detention Block AA , sub-level five, [15] where she was interrogated in order to learn the location of the Rebellion's secret base. Faced with her considerable resistance to Imperial interrogation techniques, Tarkin opted to try a different approach: intimidation. In a move calculated to force Organa to reveal the Rebel base, Tarkin threatened to use the station's primary weapon to destroy her homeworld.

Though she ostensibly relented and supplied the Rebel base's location as Dantooine , Tarkin ordered the attack to move forward in order to demonstrate the military power that the Empire now held.

In a matter of moments, the Death Star destroyed the planet Alderaan, leaving no survivors. Immediately after the planet's destruction, the Star Destroyer Devastator left the station, and a small Imperial force was sent to investigate Leia's claim under the command of General Cassio Tagge. With R2-D2 having supplied them with the technical readouts of the Death Star, the Rebels identified a weakness in the station's design and prepared their starfighters for a desperate attempt to destroy the station before it could bring its weapon to bear on Yavin 4.

The plan, as explained by Alliance tactician Jan Dodonna , called for the firing of proton torpedoes down a two-meter-wide thermal exhaust port in the station's meridian trench.

Owing to the Death Star's design philosophy focusing on defense against large-scale attacks, the exhaust port was relatively unguarded.

While the battle initially appeared in the Alliance's favor owing to the small size of the Rebel ships—granting them the ability to dodge turbolaser fire—the launch of numerous TIE fighters under the personal command of Lord Vader in his TIE Advanced x1 destroyed the majority of the Rebel vessels, but ultimately one proved successful. Piloted by Tatooine native Luke Skywalker , his TB X-wing starfighter managed to fire a pair of proton torpedoes down the thermal exhaust port.

The torpedoes destroyed the Death Star's main reactor by causing a chain reaction as predicted, resulting in the destruction of the Empire's prestigious weapon. Where there were once thousands of communications streaming in endless waves from the Death Star, in a mere instant there were none.

In the chaotic hours that followed the station's destruction, multiple rumors of the station's defeat circulated across the galaxy, while a Gozanti -class cruiser piloted by Ciena Ree and Berisse Sai was sent to the Yavin system to both confirm the Empire's worst fears and pick up Lord Vader, who was trapped inside his TIE Advanced x1. The Rebels, after a brief celebration , [10] immediately began evacuating their base to avoid the inevitable Imperial reprisal against the station's destruction.

The Imperial HoloNet subsequently downplayed the destruction of the Empire's ultimate weapon, referring to it only as an "unprecedented attack by the Rebel Alliance" while bringing attention to the fact that the Empire had the means to destroy an entire planet in order to strike fear into those who might question the Emperor's rule. Despite attempts to devalue the Rebel victory, Imperial statisticians noted a predictable increase in pirate and dissident activity following the loss of such a prestigious weapon.

To Tagge, the Death Star project had been misguided from the start. A strong proponent of the Imperial Navy, Tagge believed that future plans could not be based around an individual asset such as the Death Star, but should instead utilize those assets as a force multiplier, not as a be-all end-all solution to a problem. The Emperor placed his trust in Tagge's new strategy until the second Death Star could be completed.

The former plan was to scrap the debris, but Leia used her political connections to see that it was put to good use. The design flaw leading to the destruction of the Death Star never became widely known to the public. Though some correctly speculated that the Emperor had been betrayed by someone on the inside, the public story remained that of Luke Skywalker's shot in a single starfighter.

Over three decades later, the Empire's successor state, the First Order , constructed a similar weapon of planetary destruction dubbed Starkiller Base , which was considered an improvement on the Empire's Death Star design. Unlike the Death Stars of history, this superweapon, built into the kyber-rich planet of Ilum , could fire its planet-shattering beam through sub-hyperspace , destroying multiple targets light-years away.

It, like the Death Stars before it, was destroyed in a blow to an aperture comparable to the thermal exhaust port. The British energy supplier Ovo calculated that by real-world standards, it would cost 7. Wookieepedia Explore. Star Wars. By individual articles Project Defender Project Stardust.

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Play Sound. For other uses, see Death Star disambiguation. Parts of this article are no longer up to date. It's a space station. Main article: Mk I Superlaser. The hypermatter reactor, the drives, all the rest, are merely elaborations of the armaments our finest engineering firms have been able to provide to Star Destroyers and other vessels.

But the weapon It will be something that has yet to be seen. It's finger painted on the ceilings of caves and engraved into the walls of temples. Dig a hole deep enough on any world and you'll find the skulls and bones of adults and children fractured by crude weapons. All of us were fighting long before we were farming and raising livestock Violence is hardwired into most of us and there's no eliminating the impulse—not with an army of stormtroopers or a fleet of Star Destroyers.

That's why we've embarked on a path to a different solution. We have a chance to forge a peace that will endure longer than the Republic was in existence. If they find out what we are planning to build, we're doomed. They will be much safer there with my master. And why are you whispering? A weapon that will— " " This is hardly the place for discussions of that sort. For once the battle station is fully operational, you will wield the ultimate power in the galaxy.

I suggest we use it.


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